Adaptive systems Adaptive control Iterative learning control Robust adaptive control Statistical learning
Autonomous Systems
Agents and autonomous systems Autonomous robots Autonomous systems Cooperative control UAV's
Biological Systems
Application in neuroscience Biological systems Biomedical systems Biomolecular systems Cellular dynamics Genetic regulatory systems Metabolic systems
Computational methods
Computer aided control design LMI's/BMI's/SOS's
Control Applications
Aerospace Automotive Electrical machine control Electrical power systems Energy systems IVHS Manufacturing processes Maritime Mechatronics Medical signal processing Military applications Power electronics Power plants Pulp and paper technologies Robotics Servo control Traffic control Transportation systems
Control education
Computer aided learning Control courses and labs
Discrete event systems
Automata Petri nets Queuing systems Supervisory control
Distributed parameter systems
Delay systems Flexible structures Fluid flow systems
Emerging Control Theory and Applications
Emerging control applications Emerging control theory Quantum control theory
Fault Detection and Management
Fault accommodation Fault detection and identification Fault diagnosis Fault estimation Fault tolerant systems System reconfiguration
Financial models
Hybrid systems
Quantized systems Stability of hybrid systems Switched systems
Intelligent systems
Fuzzy systems Machine learning Neural networks
Large-scale systems
Decentralized control Distributed control
Linear systems
Linear parameter-varying systems Linear time-varying systems Observers for linear systems Predictive control for linear systems Sampled data control Stability of linear systems
Micro and Nano Systems
MEMS Nano systems Quantum information and control
Behavioral systems Differential algebraic systems Model/Controller reduction Reduced order modeling
Networks and Communication
Agents networks Communication networks Computer networks Consensus control and estimation Control over communication Control over networks Cooperative autonomous systems Coverage control Distributed cooperative control over networks Distributed estimation over sensor nets Network analysis and control Optimal control of communication networks Sensor and mesh networks
Nonlinear Control
Algebraic/geometric methods Chaotic systems Constrained control Feedback linearization Lyapunov methods Nonlinear system theory Observers for nonlinear systems Output feedback Output regulation Predictive control for nonlinear systems Sliding mode control Stability of nonlinear systems
Game theoretical methods H2/H-infinity methods Optimal control Optimization algorithms Variational methods
Process Control Systems
Chemical process control Control of metal processing Mineral process control
Signal processing
Filtering Sensor and signal fusion Wavelets
Stochastic systems
Markov processes Stochastic control Stochastic filtering
System Identification
Identification Identification for control Identification for hybrid systems Model validation Nonlinear system identification
Uncertain systems
Randomized algorithms Robust control
Verification and Validation
Complex systems Safety critical systems V&V of control algorithms
13th European Control Conference - June 24-27, 2014 - Strasbourg
Topics include, but not limited to:
Adaptive and Learning Systems
Adaptive systems Adaptive control Iterative learning control Robust adaptive control Statistical learning
Autonomous Systems
Agents and autonomous systems Autonomous robots Autonomous systems Cooperative control UAV's
Biological Systems
Application in neuroscience Biological systems Biomedical systems Biomolecular systems Cellular dynamics Genetic regulatory systems Metabolic systems
Computational methods
Computer aided control design LMI's/BMI's/SOS's
Control Applications
Aerospace Automotive Electrical machine control Electrical power systems Energy systems IVHS Manufacturing processes Maritime Mechatronics Medical signal processing Military applications Power electronics Power plants Pulp and paper technologies Robotics Servo control Traffic control Transportation systems
Control education
Computer aided learning Control courses and labs
Discrete event systems
Automata Petri nets Queuing systems Supervisory control
Distributed parameter systems
Delay systems Flexible structures Fluid flow systems
Emerging Control Theory and Applications
Emerging control applications Emerging control theory Quantum control theory
Fault Detection and Management
Fault accommodation Fault detection and identification Fault diagnosis Fault estimation Fault tolerant systems System reconfiguration
Financial models
Hybrid systems
Quantized systems Stability of hybrid systems Switched systems
Intelligent systems
Fuzzy systems Machine learning Neural networks
Large-scale systems
Decentralized control Distributed control
Linear systems
Linear parameter-varying systems Linear time-varying systems Observers for linear systems Predictive control for linear systems Sampled data control Stability of linear systems
Micro and Nano Systems
MEMS Nano systems Quantum information and control
Behavioral systems Differential algebraic systems Model/Controller reduction Reduced order modeling
Networks and Communication
Agents networks Communication networks Computer networks Consensus control and estimation Control over communication Control over networks Cooperative autonomous systems Coverage control Distributed cooperative control over networks Distributed estimation over sensor nets Network analysis and control Optimal control of communication networks Sensor and mesh networks
Nonlinear Control
Algebraic/geometric methods Chaotic systems Constrained control Feedback linearization Lyapunov methods Nonlinear system theory Observers for nonlinear systems Output feedback Output regulation Predictive control for nonlinear systems Sliding mode control Stability of nonlinear systems
Game theoretical methods H2/H-infinity methods Optimal control Optimization algorithms Variational methods
Process Control Systems
Chemical process control Control of metal processing Mineral process control
Signal processing
Filtering Sensor and signal fusion Wavelets
Stochastic systems
Markov processes Stochastic control Stochastic filtering
System Identification
Identification Identification for control Identification for hybrid systems Model validation Nonlinear system identification
Uncertain systems
Randomized algorithms Robust control
Verification and Validation
Complex systems Safety critical systems V&V of control algorithms